let me be clear about something before i start this post: i did not suddenly get married and become a martha stewart robot. in fact, at some point in the past 4-5 years i actually started to find myself drawn to interior design, cooking and organization magazines. it was a scary thing at first, but i've become completely comfortable with my transition into the adult stage in my life.

ok, so a big issue that hubs and i have is organizing our mountains of mail. credit cards offers, bills, grad student information, magazines, etc. so, i've got to admit that i wish i had a spot to hang this totally cool and helpful wall organizer featured on
MarthaStewart.com. i love that it's slotted, which would make catagorizing things so much easier. we get those annoying coupon circulars in the mail and i always trash the whole dang thing even though there is some good stuff in there. why? because i have no good place to put it! this would be a great answer to that. i also love love love the notebook in the middle part. i can't tell you how many times i've had to search for a pen and paper! love it. it looks a little "i'm in my thirties with young kids," but i think there are some definite ways to liven it up a bit. i'm currently trying to plot a way to get this or something similar into my kitchen.
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