Thursday, September 4, 2008

yes, sir. thank you.

hubby and i are thinking of enrolling in some etiquette classes to brush up on our skills. i've never had any formal training and it's been since high school (he went to a ritzy boarding school) since he's taken a class.

i mentioned this to a friend and she thought i was crazy. an etiquette class? really? that seems to be the general response among 20-somethings, but hubby and i think it's a tremendous idea. yes, the "millenial genereation" is exploding into the workplace, but i can't tell you how much boomers and y-ers appreciate good manners in the workplace, at work functions, etc. etc.

in fact, there have been a few books published on the topic. the one that i've heard the best reviews about (and that is on my list of biz books to read) is The Etiquette Edge: The Unspoken Rules for Business Success by Beverly Langford.

The whole etiquette class idea also got me thinking about the fact that i need to buy and read the emily post guide. can you believe i've ever never read it? tisk tisk.

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